Test status: how to discover the real new business class


    Why buyers of apartments in the middle price category prefer to pay more for the final stage of construction and for what reasons LCD “Domain” from the “gals-development” was in the number of reference objects of the business class

    In search of “waist”

    First, some numbers. The Director of the Department of market monitoring and evaluation Savills in Russia Anatoly Dovgan ‘ argues that the market of Moscow is 62 new business class, according to the calculations of specialists of the Agency Blackwood – about a hundred; but in the company Est-a-Tet believe that in this segment implements the 122 complex (or 260 blocks). The reason for such differing data that intelligence out on the primary market “waist line”.

    This problem is not new: with the classification in the housing market all the time there is confusion. But the mass and luxury segments there is at least the lower and upper bounds, so to speak, of the reference point. Still, panel high-rise building in a residential area is undoubtedly the economy class (now called “standard”), and club house inside the Garden – luxury housing. However, consensus on where to draw the line between classes that still exists.

    The emergence of new classes introduced more confusion, as inter-class boundaries became more

    A few years ago, the situation has changed classes became more. At the end of 2000-ies there is a new terms – “comfort” and “premium”. In the first category fall the projects, slightly falls short of the business class, the second slightly to cross its borders. The last one time called “business plus”, but not for long: we agreed on the fact that “premium” sounds more radically. However, the emergence of new classes introduced more confusion, as inter-class boundaries became more. So today, choose an apartment in the new buildings, which for different reasons can be marked as “business” is extremely difficult.

    Eyes front

    But the reference point the “business class” still there is a happy medium. For example, such characteristics as the location of the complex is expressed in the following way. In the center, usually built housing more expensive segments, and the attempts of developers to call business class projects located on the Eastern or southern suburbs of the capital, as well as over the ring, clearly smack of deceit. The truth lies somewhere in the middle. Perfect, say, or reference project, the business class should be located near the Third transport ring, on a historically prestigious West of the capital, or, at least, in the North.

    Of course, its location is not limited. Reference the business class in Moscow, it is desirable to have other characteristics:
    • the project must be unique, with sophisticated architecture;
    • the area of apartments should start from 40 square meters, ceiling height to be not less than 3 metres and floor plans – well thought out;
    • total area of apartments should not exceed 70% of the total area of the complex, and 30% or more is required to take under the public spaces and infrastructure of the project;
    • availability of Parking, ideally underground, with each apartment shall be provided not less than one Parking;
    • fenced and guarded territory.

    Separate requirements for transport accessibility: residents of the complex business-class should be able to get to the center of Moscow by car or public transport. And finally, about the area. In walking distance from the house should be of high quality social infrastructure: health, sports, entertainment and educational institutions, kindergartens, shops and parks or recreation areas. At the same time in the environment of the complex should not be industrial areas, including abandoned.

    To purchase at the finish

    With the criteria more or less decided. However, we do not just examine the complicated and contradictory world of capital projects business class, but trying to target it as a potential buyer. Now to answer the question: at what stage of construction it is better to buy an apartment?

    According to statistics, the majority of transactions in the primary market business class of the capital committed in the final stages of construction. According to Savills over the past half year 38% of transactions were made in projects under the structural frame complete, 30% apartments and flats purchased at the finishing stage, and 19% – after putting the house of the state Commission. And only 13% of buyers took the risk to make the transaction at the stage of excavation.

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    Someone who purchased the apartment under construction, I need somewhere to live and to bear the additional costs

    “Buy housing in the initial stages of construction continues to be profitable, – says the Manager on work with key partners Est-a-Tet novel Rodiontsev. – But the old growth prices from 25 to 40 percent, which occurred from the beginning of construction to commissioning, the wait is not worth it.” Today you can earn 10-25%, but it is worth considering that the new building is being built 2-3 years. And all this time someone who bought an apartment under construction, I need somewhere to live and incur additional costs. As for investors, they are, with rare exception, long gone from the real estate market: ten percent over three years – a controversial alternative to Bank deposits.

    Not surprisingly, transaction focused on the final stages of construction, which besides the risk of unfinished reduced to virtually zero. “Buyer by this time, you can assess the speed of construction as residential buildings and objects of related infrastructure”, – said the Director of Department of consulting, Analytics and research Blackwood Alexander Shibaev. And most importantly – from the moment of purchase till the keys after only a few months, which only adds to the interest.

    Ruble range

    About the prices is to talk separately – they are still one of the main criteria when choosing housing. In most cases, the minimum entry threshold for the new business class –150-160 thousand rubles per square meter. For example, in a residential complex Silver the average cost of square meter is 162 thousand rubles. Although there are cheaper. For example, according to Est-a-Tet in the complex Ville Apart on the Dmitrov highway the prices range from 136,5 thousand rubles per square meter. And in the Jazz project, the cost of a square meter starts from $ 112 thousand rubles per square meter. But it is worth considering that in the last two examples, we are not talking about housing, and about the apartment.

    The price ceiling segment in the primary market is 592 thousand rubles per square meter. According to the company Blackwood, the money for the sold apartments in the project “VTB arena Park”. To 468,2 thousand rubles per square meter reach the prices of apartments in the complex “Bolshevik”, and in the club house “Serebryany Bor” – to 462 thousand rubles per square meter. The average price for the capital’s new business class account for 200-250 thousand rubles per square meter. For example, in LCD “Domain” is the cheapest absolute price tag a lot – the apartment has an area of 45.5 square metres – sold for 235 thousand rubles per square meter. More expensive in relative terms, only the penthouses, but this requires high status. By the way, of the six penthouses designed in the complex, the sale was only one.

    Test of proficiency

    Since the LCD “Heritage”, which builds the company “gals-development” in the West of Moscow at the intersection of Rublevskoe highway and the Yartsevskaya street, the price tag turned out to be a Golden middle, that is, the “waist” and talk about it in more detail and see how it reflects other characteristics of the business class.

    About the project and the architectural features. The architectural concept of the “Commons” has developed the workshop “Grand”, headed by honored architect of the Russian Federation Paul Andreev. In the asset of the creative team of the IFC at the intersection of the Michurinsky prospect and Lobachevsky street, Technopark Sberbank on the territory of SKOLKOVO innovation center and other projects.

    LCD “Domain” consists of three buildings with 22 floors, located on different sides of the Yartsevskaya street. The houses are built in a classic style with a pronounced Central part and the additional symmetry structures give active vertical division.

    The first building, dubbed “Science”, is located at Yartsevskaya street, 31, on a plot of approximately 0.5 acres. First floor is occupied by technical and office space, also there will be cafes and shops. The building has two entrances: from the courtyard and outside, with Yartsevskaya street. Inner courtyard of the building along the Eastern, Northern and Western borders frame one-story gallery and arcade. On the domestic territory will be organized children’s and sports playgrounds and recreation areas with flower beds.

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    The second and third corps, which received the name of “Art” and “Culture” built on the opposite side of the Yartsevskaya street, possession 34. Two buildings United by a common stylobate part, under which there is underground Parking for cars. Apartments start on the third floor, and the first two levels given over to leisure centre, shops, cafe and premises management company of the residential complex.

    About the apartment. Only in the residential complex “Heritage” 417 apartments, including 12 penthouses, situated on the upper floors of buildings (19 to 22). Minimum living area – 42 sq. meter, maximum (penthouse) – 257 sq. meters. The ceiling height in an apartment is 3.1 meters, in the penthouses of 4.1.

    In General the presence of pethausov itself can be a sign that the house refers to full business class. Although, of course, a lot depends on what the apartments on the highest floors – they really need to be unique and the most private. According to the “gals-development”, the only remaining “Asset” in the sale of penthouses is a space with an area of 236 square meters, located on the 22nd floor of the tower “Science” and focused on three directions. There are four bedrooms (master bedroom with EN Suite bathroom and dressing room and three guest bedrooms), kitchen-living room area of about 70 square meters, two bedrooms, study, three balconies and a private Conservatory – glazed and heated terrace area of 24 square meters. Penthouse apartment also has a chimney to install a wood-burning fireplace – the symbol of cosy winter evenings. For future residents an atmosphere of privacy: on the floor is only 2 apartments.

    About the ratio of areas. The total area of housing in the first case “Science” with due regard for balconies and terraces is of 10.14 thousand square meters, and the total surface area of the building – 15,5 thousand That is, the total area of apartments is approximately 65% of the total area of the project (excluding summer premises – 63%). In buildings of “Culture” and “Art”, the share of residential area (32 sq metres) of the total (43.9 per thousand) is a classic 70%.

    About the Parking. Case “Science” has its own underground Parking, and “Culture” and “Art” built on a common platform and share a common Parking lot. Only the 417 apartments in the complex “Treasure” is scheduled to 488 Parking spaces. Each queue has its own guarded and fenced territory. The commercial premises have separate entrances from the street.

    About transport accessibility. The remoteness of the buildings of the residential complex from the metro station “Youth” is only 250-300 meters. By car the center can be reached by Rublevsky highway and Molodezhnaya and Krylatskoe streets you can go, respectively, on the Kutuzovsky prospectus and Zvenigorodsky highway.

    About the surroundings. “Property” is being built in the area of the existing development. Within 1 km there are several schools (№887, №64, №1293), children’s and adult clinic, several supermarkets, a large shopping and entertainment center “Kuntsevo Plaza”. To the nearest recreation area – Suvorov Park is just 700 metres away. From the North-West side of the Park adjacent to the bend of the Moskva river.

    About the construction phase. LCD “Heritage” is now at the stage that more customers would want: he’s actually ready. For example, in the towers of “Culture” and “Art” even in the winter began the decoration of the facades. They are made of natural materials in keeping with the spirit of late classicism and art Deco, which are characterized by strict geometry, decorative columns, cornices and ornaments. The roof of each tower will be topped with conical spires. And to complete the construction plan before the end of this year.

    Thus, absolutely all the parameters of the LCD “Domain” corresponds to the business class. Therefore, choosing an apartment of this segment, this object can be used at least as reference for comparison. But you can live in it. In the end, what to look for if everything is found?


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