New premium 2018: freaking Keller boys, finishing and infrastructure in walking distance


Commercial Director at Insigma Marina Seregina told about what today waiting for buyers, getting an apartment in the premium building

According to estimates Kalinka Group, in the last month of winter on the Moscow elite housing market were signed 20% more transactions than the same period last year. The company’s experts also note that in February of apartments in many of the objects were bought at the stage of excavation. This is a good trend for this segment. A similar trend and the gradual recovery of demand for the most attractive properties in General, there is now on the market of new buildings of a premium class. However, with this change and the needs of affluent customers. The crisis has taught to approach the purchase of apartments more efficiently. From the developer of high-budget housing client is now waiting for much more than before. What in 2018, focuses on the buyer, buying an apartment in the premium building, Marina told sinyagina, commercial Director of Insigma (the developer of the residential complex RedSide).

1 – the Necessary infrastructure is in walking distance

– The pace of life all of the above, time is money. Previously, the buyer of expensive housing primarily focused on the location and transport accessibility of the area, what a view out the window… Now to this list of demands was added the availability of infrastructure for children. In the premium segment, in contrast to the “economy”, the demand driver is not one of “odnushki” and studios and two bedroom flats, as they satisfy the main demand of wealthy families. A number of projects in the market was deliberately created for this category of buyers.

For example, our RedSide residential complex on Krasnaya Presnya from the very beginning was conceived as a family project, but the greatest demand here are the apartments from 100 square meters, that is three and four. At the time of delivery of the complex operation 80% of the apartments in it were sold. However, many buyers told us that the choice on the RedSide they stopped because here is the school № 2030, known as the “School of the future” (in front of the school’s graduates open doors to a number of faculties, Moscow state University). School is one of the best in the capital here today bringing children from all over Moscow.

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A good school house and a residence permit, which allows you to study there for buyers is very important

Not to stand idle for hours in traffic jams in Moscow, some parents, giving children in good school or schools, even rented accommodation near to the training of children. Or even sell their apartment and buy a new one, closer to the school. Therefore, a good school house and a residence permit, which allows you to study there for buyers is very important. Approach to education of children from wealthy parents now do has changed. If they had planned to send their children to small private fee-paying schools, now many are disappointed in this approach. In addition, parents want to give children a good preschool education (early learning languages, interest groups, and the like). Therefore, the availability of infrastructure is also taken into consideration wealthy buyers.

2 – Ready solutions

– The current buyers premium typically paid for apartment and knows the criteria by which it is necessary to evaluate housing. The number of investment deals with buying resale apartments has fallen significantly today. In premium homes with the investment objectives, becoming mostly options with a beautiful view or the cheapest offer on the first floor. Other purchases – this is an apartment for yourself, for life, and then the buyer need ready-made solutions.

The layout of the future housing should be left to chance, and choose its now much better than before. One of the main requirements at the moment – the presence of a bathroom located next to each bedroom in the apartment. And in the master bathroom should be able to install and shower (for men) and the bathroom (for the ladies). Another requirement is the ability to install a closet in each bedroom. Clothes have a lot of people, and required by most buyers.

3 – the Rational layout

– The idea of an apartment with a lot of free, unused area finally gone. The buyer wants rational planning without the extra square meters, for which he will pay, but will not use in the future. Buying an apartment of 100 square meters or more, the buyer is not willing to pay, for example, in a long corridor. Him today would prefer an extra bedroom, extra, even a small room will always be useful. After all, families are now wealthy buyers often two, three or even four children, and the governess or assistant.

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4 – Economic infrastructure

A big plus buyer’s premium real estate today – a separate storage room in the basement of the house (called “Keller”): European custom to store unnecessary things have come and to Russia. The presence of Keller’s very important for anyone who plays sports, rides his bike, and because a healthy life is another trend of our time, which continues to gain popularity, especially among the wealthy.

Trend to wash in the Laundry room on the ground floor, as is done in Europe, come to Russia

Maybe soon in the complexes of premium-class we will again have to revise planning decisions. Today, some developers are already talking about the fact that the trend to wash in the Laundry room on the ground floor, as is done in Europe, come to Russia. This layout of the building will free up 3-4 square metres of space in the apartments, which is also important. While the need to design a communal Laundry on basement floors, we do not see, however, maybe in a few years we’ll have to think about it.

5 – Quality finish

Today’s customer has become more demanding, and it’s obvious. He pays more attention than before, and the quality of construction, closely studying all the nuances of the project, and the quality of finishes of the facade and lobby. No less important for it has and the landscaping of the yard, because, as I said, the main buyers of real estate of premium class, as in our case, are families with children. Scrutinized and engineering systems, and home security systems that require the buyer sees, literally, “with a magnifying glass”. All this allows to make a conclusion that high quality projects are now in greatest demand.


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