Pillows in the interior — we arrange bright accents


Pillows in the interior — placed bright accents.
Image: @rusa.krylova


Pillows in the interior with a properly chosen prints can totally transform the space of the room, focusing on colourful patterns. Use them in a living room or on the summer terrace and create a pleasant atmosphere. As for pictures, you can pick up almost any option – it all depends on personal preference and space design.


The size of decorative pillows choose the one with a room, so small would be more appropriate to choose the dimensions of 35×35 cm or 40×50 do Not limit the choice of shapes, for example, cushion in heart shape or round will look unusual. Now the choice of pillows of a wide variety of options is huge. The most fastidious can make them to order with any image, lettering or pictures. Some manufacturers have options with sequins. Most often they are made of thick satin with a synthetic filler like here.


Colors should overlap with the overall color scheme of the room. For example, pillows to match the furniture or curtains will support the overall style. Also, pay attention to the texture of the fabrics. European trend sofa and chair in the same style, but different color, and the pillows on the chair in the color of the sofa.


Thus, the cushion in the interior is not only a functional item but also a bright decorative accent. Be inspired by interior designers or fulfill your wildest ideas!

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