Printable free labels for Christmas gifts |


Jasmine Dowling

Unfortunately, many authors do not allow to take their sites PDF. I fully support this and believe that we need to respect the work of others. But not to share such beauty could not, therefore, give you links to the original sources where you can quickly and easily download any image for labels. If you have any questions or difficulty in downloading process – write about it in the comments, I will try to help.

 Flora and fauna

The first reference to a color version, the second in black and white
DOWNLOAD: Decorator’s Notebook


DOWNLOAD: Decorator’s Notebook

Winter watercolor birds

PDF file there, just click on the image and save in high resolution
DOWNLOAD: Rebecca’s Misc

This is a New year

DOWNLOAD: Creative Index

Forest fairy tale

DOWNLOAD: Fellow Fellow


DOWNLOAD: Ahorrar en Crisis

Cute signatures in b/W

DOWNLOAD: Jasmine Dowling

 Gold / Kraft / Tenderness

DOWNLOAD: Creative Index

Dear ladies: grace bear and deer Sophie

DOWNLOAD: Creature Comforts

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