Dome homes: a scoring role in the construction underground


How did the idea of the dome structures? Proposed something similar earlier?

If we are talking about a residential low-rise structure, the countdown need to take the middle of the last century, when American inventor and scientist Richard Buckminster fuller invented the concept of the geodesic dome and began to use it in the field. To date, this design is widely spread in the world, but more applies to economy class bought houses. Most often it is the segment which in England is called do it yourself. In Russia it is developing in the same direction.

Technology strategicheskogo dome, which we work, began to be used in France in the mid 80-ies of XX century. In Russia we were the first who used this technology. It started five years ago. Our idea was original, and today there are several companies that try to copy us, but do it awkwardly and clumsily.

Russian buyers are generally very conservative. What qualities in a dome house can persuade? Who is the target audience of such projects? How much are they demanded in the market?

Our main audience is couples aged 25 to 45 with children. Often they already have some real estate. Their goal is to improve housing conditions and raise living standards. Some are considering a country house as a place for permanent residence, other people would come to him periodically. But mostly our clients are building a home as a principal residence.

The advantages of dome homes are a huge internal volume, relatively quick build (object area of 120 sq m can be built in four months), high structure strength — due to the round shape. The disadvantages include some difficulties with the installation of the furniture, but they are not as significant as it seems at first glance. We sought to design a Skide so that people feel at ease is both the first and second floor.

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What is the functionality of dome objects? In what capacity can they be? And what size be achieved?

As standard we used six models from 7 to 15 m in diameter, but we can also do more customized. These homes can be used as a country residence (for permanent or seasonal residence), and business — like mini-hotels, Golf clubs, nurseries, cafes, offices. For example, with the Swedish partners we are discussing the use of skydomes for ski resorts. In General, skaidi — a universal construction.

Dome houses originally represented the architectural underground. If they have the prospect of becoming mainstream? What you need in order to start their mass building?

I personally don’t think that the domed house will ever become mainstream, but scoring a place in the underground is. We as entrepreneurs, who are engaged, enough of that provision. But in General, can be considered 5% of the market underground? Because this figure is a pretty good indicator.

What building materials are used in the installation and finishing of the dome structures?

We designed the building so that its construction can be used with all the classic materials. Since it is frame construction, it is mainly used wood. Among the purchased objects are the alternatives of concrete, but it differs from our vision and the vision of our clients, what should be the house. As basic material we use LVL, and then, if you look at classic pie SkyDome, it is exactly the same as those of frame houses: vapor barrier, insulation, waterproofing, roofing material on the outside. If we talk about the internal component of the house, it depends on personal preferences of the customer — they are always individual. Someone wants a wooden house, someone uses materials with special finishes, painting, etc.

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With a dome houses a number of associated esoteric theories related to the impact on physical, mental, emotional state of people living in them — what caused such a hypothesis, and whether they have real grounds?

We research on this matter is not conducted. Similar aspects can be discussed, but based on feedback from our customers, who believe that the influence of dome architecture has a positive impact. But not enough to shift your consciousness to enlightenment.


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