Three reasons for closed sales on the market of luxury new buildings in Moscow


The developer may not have a building permit, he is trying to limit the target audience, or this is just a marketing policy

Closed sales remain mainly the domain of expensive housing. In Moscow there are 66 new buildings of the elite and deluxe class, and 11 of them are being implemented behind closed doors. Experts from the portal decided to figure out why developers resort to this method of sales. Among the reasons include the developer’s lack of documentation, casting of buyers and ordinary marketing. The article uses data from the Metrium company.

Without documents – no open sales

The first reason is technical. Developers are bringing to the market projects in a closed format that have not yet received a construction permit. Naturally, only on pre-sale terms and without concluding a share participation agreement. For the buyer, booking housing that is not even at the zero stage is profitable, as it involves a discount and investment prices.

But it may also carry some risks. As Anna Radjabova, director of luxury real estate management at Metrium Premium, explains, the developer can increase the construction time or change the concept of the project. This is still a preliminary agreement, which is not officially regulated.

Show business stars, information gypsies and foreign agents will not pass

Developers also choose closed sales, trying to deliberately limit the target audience. Access to completing a transaction is provided only to a select group of people. Firstly, to recruit the “selected” themselves, leading developers have databases with contacts of regular clients. In fact, they create closed elite clubs. Companies provide such clients with preferences for loyalty. For example, you can be the first to choose a suitable apartment in a new complex, without competing with other buyers.

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Secondly, the target audience is limited not only in favor of regular customers. Developers strive to regularly replenish their client base with the help of agents.

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When attracting new clients, there is still face control; it is carried out by developers. “If a developer implements a small-scale project with 10-12 apartments, then he has the opportunity to regulate face control,” said Anna Radjabova. According to her, the company understands the profile of the desired buyer and carries out the selection. In this way, a comfortable atmosphere is created in the project and possible conflicts of interest, disagreements on the basis of politics, affairs and religion are leveled out.

Everyone is still wary of any public figures. Mostly “loud” show business stars, to whom popular infogypsies have now been added, are undesirable as neighbors. There is also an understanding of the undesirability of proximity to foreign agents. If a person does not comply with face control, then he is politely refused or offered obviously unsuitable conditions so that he himself refuses the deal. There are no scandals with public purchase bans.

“Closed sales are optimal for club format projects,” says Dmitry Mutovkin, general director of Petrostil Invest. This implementation principle helps to form a community of like-minded people. Only verified clients become buyers. And information about the deal is definitely not widely publicized.

Nothing personal, it’s just marketing

The third reason is caused by the marketing policy of the developers. The fact is that many wealthy people, when choosing housing, are primarily guided not by pragmatic, but by romantic considerations. Such buyers like it when an exclusive house is also surrounded by a legend, a flair of mystery, secrecy, which increases prestige. And by purchasing an apartment in a project that is inaccessible to the general public, clients can feel that they are chosen, unique and belong to the elite.

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