The house is on the LCD “Happiness on Maslovka”


    Whether at the TTC club house, whether the house is to do a minimum of infrastructure, and are current customers, large apartment

    Location for petite

    Surprisingly, among the professionals of the real estate market still exist two diametrically opposed views, where it may be housing priced above average. Especially important this issue becomes in the case when it comes to chamber complexes, where the number of apartments does not exceed 50-70.

    One approach stretches back to the late 90’s-early “zero” and is considering Moscow as a static metropolis, where the needs of residents is stable and unchanging. Second, by contrast, is based on the understanding that the city is actively developing, and this is not quite the same person I was 10-15 or 20 years ago. During this time, the changed dimensions of the city, became a transportation network, the infrastructure has changed, there are new and refurbished an old parks… And most importantly – do the buyers have a different attitude to choice of place of residence and the facility where they would like to settle.
    Take, for example, surrounds the Third transport ring (TTK, pictured) that the city centre is not a, but at the same time to consider outlying territories too unfair. Is it permissible to construct small complexes of the highest class?

    Proponents of the old approach clearly believe that such housing does not belong here. “Close to the TTC it is logical to place only large complexes, otherwise the developer will not than to make money, – says head of Department of new buildings of residential real estate Agency Penny Lane Realty Yuri Shcherbakov. Chamber projects is “elitka” for the elite project, the location, and the area at the TTC for this is not suitable. As long as the elite buyer would offer in the city centre or outside the city (Yes, even “secondary”), he would not consider such a compromise. To build project a class below this scale is also inappropriate.”

    Usually between TTK and high-budget projects there is a kind of delimiters: green spaces or homes in established areas

    Proponents of the second approach, on the contrary, to notice the advantages of which are at zones near the Third ring. “Of course, the juxtaposition with such a busy highway usually has a negative impact on sales, but such complexes are not, – says Ilya Mogunov, managing Director of “Metrium Premium”. – Usually between TTK and high-budget projects there is a kind of delimiters: green spaces or homes in established areas. Therefore, the presence of TTC, convenient transportation arteries, significantly increases the mobility of the residents of the complex, it becomes more of a plus than a minus. Another plus for club projects at the TTC are the prices. There is a certain group of customers, which is aimed at the purchase of housing is a club format, but in the historic centre, this apartment will cost 600-800 thousand rubles per sq. m., between the Garden ring and TTK – 300-500 thousand rubles per sq. m., and along the TTC – 250-300 thousand rubles per square meter”.

    Check location

    So who are the experts after all right? Whether a small residential complex of business class and above to be successful if it is located there, where most major projects are built? To answer this question, let’s consider some specific example. For a start all the TTC will narrow down to two sectors: the Western and Northern parts. Yet for historical and ecological reasons, more prestigious housing appropriate to build here. The selected site shall, for example, near the metro station “Dinamo” and the new station “Petrovskiy Park”, near which the Third ring intersects with the Leningrad prospectus.

    To the very center of Moscow – since some experts close to the Kremlin seems so important to stay out for five metro stops or 5-6 km by car. And to neighboring areas or any other parts of the city to reach even more convenient than from the center, though, because in this area a minimum of one-way streets, lengthening of the route. And the door to the third ring road and Leningradsky wide easy move in space only increases. Thus, accessibility of location does not cause problems.

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    Built up this area mainly in the mid-twentieth century, which explains the generous distances between the houses and plenty of greenery, including parks. For example, here is the Petrovsky Park (pictured above), which two centuries earlier had arranged a bride-show, and now walk the locals regardless of gender, age, and marital intentions. A little further away starts a huge Timiryazevsky forest Park, occupying a good 230 hectares. However, the main feature of the area is well-known Stalinist style of architecture with clean lines and restrained colour of the facades, as well fit into ideas about life “above average”.

    The same elegance and rigor adopted by modern construction – and in recent years, this area is changing very actively. The only exception is the reconstructed stadium “Dynamo” (project pictured above), who turns into a futuristic form of sports facility of the international level. But it is perhaps the only object to which allowed a serious deviation from the General style of the area. The remaining new development (mostly houses) is far beyond the usual images doesn’t go that applies, however, only facade solutions, not altitude, number of buildings and the density of their arrangement. These characteristics of the new complexes differ markedly from the previously erected in the area of “Dynamo” buildings. They are designed for a large number of future residents of such a large format is, according to some experts, only possible in close proximity to the TTC. Does not fit in this number, perhaps only one project. We are talking about the “house of Happiness on Maslovka”, which builds the company “Lider-invest”. Because it so clearly stands out from other nearby buildings, look to him more closely.

    Club chips

    “Happiness on Maslovka” (pictured below) is a seven-storey building with intricate curving facades and panoramic Windows. He stands as clear from the name, the street Upper Maslovka, and more specifically, running parallel to the street Mishina, more quiet and intimate, to match the house. Silence adds and a distance of 600 – 700 m how to Leningradsky Prospekt and the Third transport ring is not so large as to adversely affect transport accessibility, but at the same time sufficient, to the sounds of the busy roads here did not reach.

    Despite the fact that the house is located in the Northern district, and the centre exclusively something from the “Golden mile” in it. It was designed by architectural Bureau “Ostozhenka”, headed by Alexander Skokan. This is one of the first private bureaus in Russia, has created dozens of projects from luxury homes to historic centre of the city and is known for a reverent approach to the surrounding buildings. It is this attitude and is required when designing a chamber of the club house, which, on the one hand, needs to stand out from the rest, and with another – should not “shout”. To achieve this effect, the front of the house “Happiness on Maslovka” made two-tone. From the street it is a dark terracotta, with the exterior decoration used expensive natural materials stone and granite, and from the yard – light, virtually white (pictured below).

    In each of the three sections calculated average of 20 apartments, a small cozy lobby (pictured below), the decorations of which, as on the facades, using an original method of “pleated” in warm chocolate and beige tones. Design of public spaces engaged in “Studio 211”.

    Because of its intimacy, in addition to the architectural specifics, the club houses there is one feature: in their territory can be placed not so much infrastructure. Plus or minus? If such a complex is chosen by people of Mature age, it is definitely a plus. “For buyers of older age often is an important criterion in a more relaxed environment, and they can afford to choose housing in the point club project with a minimal set of internal infrastructure,” – said the Director of Department of consulting and Analytics of Agency of real estate Knight Frank Olga Shirokova. On the other hand, the quiet atmosphere is attractive to families with children, for whom the priority is the safety of the travelers. But they need more infrastructure and a place where young generation can even walk unsupervised.

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    The complex is big enough (by the standards of club houses) territory

    LCD “Happiness on Maslovka” in this sense, lucky: he meets the needs of both the first and second category of buyers, because the complex is big enough (by the standards of club houses) territory (pictured below). She went home, “inherited” from the building, which was located here before the big ATS, built, like all similar structures, during analog communications. With the transition to digital communication dimensions of such buildings become redundant for the performance of its functions, so across Moscow, demolition, and vacant sites erect houses. Doing this, the company “Leader-invest”, and an “Happiness on Maslovka” is one example of such a transformation.

    But back to site. There will be a Playground and a separate Playground for adults, walking paths, and landscaping – in other words, all the things that will allow residents with a comfortable use of adjacent territory. But that’s not all. Facilities (pictured below), which was placed on the first floor, there is a private kindergarten. And this is not a conventional institution created to “tick” a full-fledged children’s facility, which occupies two floors. Next to him will appear familiar to a small house café, beauty salon, etc., to get in which will be possible through the public gallery. This technique allows, on the one hand, to make the house more elegant, and with another – not to interfere with those who live in the complex.

    Apartments in mind

    Planning is another, perhaps most important, feature of LCD “Happiness on Maslovka”. The complex has three entrances and 57 apartments, three on the floor, guaranteeing a high isolation from other neighbors. By the way, these 57 apartments there are 81 cars in the underground Parking, which in itself speaks about the high status of the house. But the main thing is not even that. In most of the buildings in the neighborhood of the apartment is made quite compact, that the rate of sales can increase, but the convenience of living definitely adds. In the LCD “Happiness on Maslovka” went another way and focused on the comfort of the future residents. Thus, the average area of one-bedroom apartments are a generous 49 square metres and dimensions, for example, three-bedroom 121 sq. m. reach To a comfortable space included the correct layout and decent height ceilings: 3.2 m high on the main floor and 3.6 m on last, the seventh, where users can install and log fires – there is a chimney.

    Success is possible not just to declare in words, but also to measure the speed of the sale

    All these features together make the project interesting for the buyer. And its success can not only to declare in words, but also to measure the speed of the sale. “For the club complex with about 60 apartments, a normal sales rate of 1.5-2 apartments in a month”, – says Ilya Mogunov. So, in the LCD “Happiness on Maslovka”, which until the commissioning remained about six months and a year prior to the issuance of keys, sold more than half of the apartments. If the dynamics of transactions will remain at the same level (and the reasons for its slowdown is not), then to the beginning of the settlement home will be sold 85-90% of all flats, which is considered an excellent indicator. And once the project is in demand, then the answer to the question of whether the house chamber at the TTC, it becomes obvious: Yes, you need. Importantly, these complexes were well thought out, just like it happened to LCD “Happiness on Maslovka”.


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