Sales growth in a difficult market: the secrets of success of IFC’s “Match point”


    In terms of roller coasters in the “primary” associated with the fall of the ruble and the coronavirus, the project managed to increase the sales volume

    The current year had to demonstrate a real roller coaster in the primary housing market of Moscow. Calm beginning, a brief surge in demand due to the fall of the ruble in March, freezing sales restrictions due to coronavirus in April-may, a gradual increase due to the launch of preferential mortgage at 6.5% and the abolition of quarantine and return to dekorativnym indicators in August. But even in these difficult conditions of individual projects was not only able to keep purchasing activity, but even to increase sales.

    One of these complexes became premium “Match point,” which GC “gals” (the owner of the brand “gals-development”) built on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. From January to August 2020 in this area gained 36% more apartments than in the first eight months of 2019, and the volume of the area increased over the year by 68%. Have already found their buyers more than 80% of the nearly 1.6 thousand apartments.

    “This year, expensive real estate has become synonymous with reliable investments, – said the Director of sales Catherine Batynkov. – Especially popular are the finished projects – this ensures that no risks and safeguard of assets. In addition, our IFC “Match point” has already been put into operation, the block attracts buyers and other advantages: unique location, developed infrastructure, secure courtyard and transport accessibility. We see increased interest from customers, which is growing every month.”

    Leader on Kutuzovsky

    The main role here played the fact that the market for prestigious Kutuzovsky Prospekt, which is characterized by post-war “Stalinka”, not full range. Today, the sales from developers are only in three projects. One of them is new. This “bowing 9” on the second line of the Avenue, a large complex (521 apartment) with plenty of choice. However, the subject is still under active construction keys will have to wait another three years. In this case, and buyers who acquire property for itself, and wished it to move, and investors who do not want the risks now clearly prefer finished housing.

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    The other two projects just finished: “Kutuzov, 12” and “Match point” on the right side of the Avenue, which was completed this year and last year. The first of these was originally a chamber (81 apartments) and at the moment is almost completely sold out. “Match point” – the largest complex, and it is still a good choice. You can pick and corner options, and lots of species in different sizes. Two 100-meter sections of the facades face the Park side of the Victory: from the apartments in them can be seen Poklonnaya hill.

    Sports arena + internal infrastructure

    Also “Match point” boasts a developed infrastructure, which, strictly speaking, the developer of apartment complex is not obliged to provide. However, at the high end quality of life, developers are usually not neglected. “Match point” can offer even more. In the complex, except for 4-section apartment buildings, is a volleyball arena on 3,5 thousand spectators, which has sports clubs for adults and children.

    In addition, there is administrative-office building and commercial premises on the ground floors of residential buildings occupying 1.7 million square meters. Last summer over their implementation. These squares will open a supermarket, restaurant, beauty salons and home services. In the underground Parking – 1,6 thousand places and car washes. The shape of the courtyard of the complex deliberately repeats a typical “frame” of the yard “Stalinka.” This is an area of 4,5 thousand square meters, divided into two mirrored parts. There is a workout area, fitness center, Jogging track, playgrounds and benches with lighting. The compositional center is the site for holidays with spruce.

    Affordable prices and the mortgage is under 0.1%

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    Another factor of steel prices – the lowest in the prospectus. For comparison, the most expensive is housing in the club house “Kutuzovskaya, 12” where to purchase “kopeck piece” area of 46 square meters will cost 32 million rubles, and the second value – “bow 9” with apartments ranging from 20.8 million rubles for the area of 51 sq. meter. Thus, the attractive cost offer on the primary market area, despite September’s price increase was in “Match point”. Buy Studio 33 “square” here you can have for 12.5 million rubles.

    Also affected special conditions for mortgage holders, which after running a reduced program at 6.5% is a significant part of transactions on the “primary”: according to Rosreestr, almost half. The developer of the complex decided to maintain these buyers. To buy apartments in the project at the rate of 4.6 per cent for the whole period or from 0.1% for 6 or 12 months.

    The purchase of real estate from the comfort of home

    Another important factor – the developer launched online sales for all projects. “In this situation, it is especially important to provide our clients the opportunity to purchase real estate in distance learning format from the comfort of home, says Catherine Batynkov. – We tried to make this process quick and easy. It is an important and special stage. Sure that online transactions will strongly enter into our life and become one of the most familiar of buying property in our projects”.

    Earlier remote deals in premium and elite new buildings of Moscow were sporadic, but in April-August 2020 the proportion reached 20% (data of the company “Metrium”). By the way, “Match point” published by step-by-step algorithm for online purchases. In the entire process – from signing the contract of reservation of the apartment before receiving the documents of transfer of ownership of the object – it only takes 8-10 days.


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