What kind of apartments do people not want to rent even during the rental boom?


Dirty housing, bad entrances, old repairs, no elevator, noise, etc. scare off tenants

Demand for rental housing has grown sharply in Russia: almost twice since the beginning of 2024, as market participants told Izvestia. The excitement is due to seasonality, since apartment rentals traditionally enjoy increased interest in the fall. This year, expensive mortgages have also been added to the mix. The mass preferential program in the new-build market has ended, and rates in the secondary market have reached prohibitive levels. But even in such conditions, there are still quite a few options on the market that tenants will refuse even if they have no choice. Experts from the Elitnoe.ru portal talk about apartments with serious drawbacks for rent. The article uses data from the Best-Novostroy company, which conducted a survey of potential tenants in the mass segment.

Dirty apartments

The most important factor for tenants was the cleanliness of the premises. Almost everyone – 98% – said they would refuse to rent apartments that are dirty, not cleaned, have unpleasant odors and traces of insects.

Bad entrances and problematic neighbors

Then there are the entrances. 70% of respondents said that they do not want to live in buildings where common areas are in poor condition and indicate that they are visited by antisocial elements. Approximately the same share of tenants will refuse to rent if their neighbors on the same floor seem unsuitable. It is worth noting that each tenant has his own criteria for “bad”, but usually we are talking about the obvious bad habits of neighbors and their open conflict, which is already visible at the stage of viewing the housing.

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Old repair

The next factor again concerns the condition of the apartment itself. About 62% of tenants will not be interested in an apartment with outdated repairs. Especially if such housing is also located in an old building, for example, in a Khrushchev-era building.

No elevator

Let's return to the entrances. This time, the presence of an elevator turned out to be important. About 50% of tenants will not rent an apartment higher than the second or third floor in a building without an elevator. This is partly explained by restrictions on the health of tenants. In addition, among the reasons they name problems with delivery services, as well as general inconvenience.

Construction or highway nearby

Here we are talking about unpleasant neighbors again, but on a larger scale. 43% of tenants do not consider apartments that are noisy. For example, long-term construction work is being carried out nearby. Or the windows overlook a highway, railway or tram tracks, a kindergarten. They also refuse apartments located above the unloading zones of stores, which usually happen early in the morning or at night. Poor sound insulation in the housing itself is also often the reason for refusal.

Parking problems

The next factor concerns car owners, for whom it is critical to be able to park the car without any problems and use it at all. 31% of respondents will not sign a lease agreement if there is a shortage of parking spaces near the house and poor access roads to it.

Lack of household appliances

Let's move on to equipping the housing itself. About 25% of tenants will not rent an apartment without household appliances. Almost everyone wants a washing machine, and more and more tenants want to have an air conditioner in the apartment. But less and less renters are interested in having a TV.

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Lack of a quality bed

Continuing with the previous topic. For 14% of respondents, it is important to have either a quality bed – a bed with an orthopedic mattress – or the owner's consent to replace the existing bed with a more suitable one for the tenant.

Ban on animals

Among the important criteria, respondents also named staying with animals. But today, in times of high demand, not all apartment owners are ready to meet the wishes of clients.

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