Select the new business class in the North of Moscow (CAO) is a portal of real estate


    Of the 99 residential complexes business class primary market of the capital 26 located in the CAO. Which of these projects should pay attention

    When one of the students asked Auguste Rodin, what is the art of the sculptor, he replied that I need to take a block of marble and cut away everything else. It is also possible to characterize the art of the developer operating in the segment of business class. You need to cut all superfluous, feeling for the thin line between convenience and excess.

    Today in the primary market of the capital represented 99 designs business class. However, the greatest number of transactions in this segment accounted for the Northern district of the capital. After 3 decades in 2018 in Sao passed 30% of transactions in the segment of new buildings business class. North of Moscow, according to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company “best new Building” Irina Dobrokhotova, attracts buyers of high status and environment, and developers – free platforms under construction:

    Prestige included in the Northern district of districts Sokol Airport began to take shape in the Stalin era building with “General houses,” and subsequently strengthened with the introduction of new reward systems. CAO rich in natural close to numerous parks, the Khimki reservoir. And most importantly – in the North of the capital is enough space for new construction. Within the County, particularly in Khoroshevsky district, many industrial zones, which are gradually being removed and subjected to redevelopment.

    There are almost no buildings with no elements of improvement, great attention is paid to the internal environment

    Today, according to the “best-Novostroy”, the CAO conducted the sale in 50 projects (123 chassis). More than half of these complexes (26) refers to business class (19 “comfort” and 5 – “premium”).
    As noted by the Manager on work with key partners Est-a-Tet novel Rodiontsev, competition in the Northern administrative district is very high. Developers are trying to attract the attention of buyers to your project. “There are almost no buildings with no elements of improvement, great attention is paid to the internal environment,” continues Roman Rodiontsev. But in the North there are several apartment complexes that stand out. Largely due to the fact that the developers of these projects, like the great French sculptor, was able to cut off all unnecessary.

    LCD “Richard” minimalism at the start of sales

    The residential complex “Sofia” is located on the street Zorge. The resident of Soviet intelligence in Japan, Richard Sorge is considered one of the greatest spies of the 20th century. “Richard” Sorge – only such simple and concise naming want to put the developer a solid five.

    The company FGC “Leader” in the design of the residential complex clearly guided method of Auguste Rodin: nothing more. First of all it concerns the architecture created by the famous “atrium”. The complex consists of two buildings with a height of up to 27 floors. At first glance, the facades of the “Richard” was created in the style of minimalism, however, if you look closely, it appears the irrationality of deconstructivism and practicality of high-tech. But despite the eclecticism, the complex perfectly fit into the environment. Minimalism “Richard” reconciles it with the surrounding Stalinist construction, and deconstruction and high – tech with located next to Khodynka field, which becomes a platform to implement the boldest ideas of architects. For example, here on the street grizodubovoy built house “Parus” which is regularly ranked in the ratings of the most unusual houses of Moscow.

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    Read more about “Richard”

    Against this background, “Richard” looks like a small European quarter with the local area. In total, the complex 802 of the apartment. The most affordable Studio with an area of 26.1 square meters sold for 4.99 million rubles. The average price of a square meter today is 179,8 thousand rubles. All the developer offers 50 variants of layouts. The most expensive lot is 18.4 million rubles. But when you consider that this is a duplex apartment of 120 square meters with a winter garden, the offer looks quite attractive.

    Affordable price Irina Dobrokhotova explains that the project has entered the market recently. “Sales was opened here in September, and while it is possible to buy apartments at a starting price,” – said the realtor.

    However, in purchasing at the start there is an essential minus: the delivery of the residential complex of the state Commission is planned for the first quarter of 2022, so wait for new house will have about three years. But thanks to the point building tenants “Richard” after putting the complex into operation will not have to endure inconveniences due to construction noise next door. Around Stalin’s house, and the Park “birch grove” closes “Richard” from present and future construction of the Khodynskoye field.

    To “Birch grove” from a residential complex, about 350 meters to the nearest school. In Khoroshevsky district has all the necessary infrastructure: a polyclinic, kindergartens, shops. Just 2 km from the residential complex is one of the largest shopping centers of Moscow – “Aviapark”. Own infrastructure “Richard” minimum. “Since the project is an infill construction, and the necessary infrastructure is already in walking distance, the complex is projected with only a small amount of acreage, street retail,” says Roman Rodiontsev. Nothing more.

    In General, “Richard” has all chances to become the flagship sales Khoroshevsky district. And the availability of housing project FGC “Leader” leaves most competitors far behind and outside locations. At the moment, according to Irina Dobrokhotova, a project of FGC “Leader” leads at the lowest prices among the new residential business class to Sao and is in the top three among all the new buildings of Moscow in the segment.

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    “Dynasty” is almost premium

    Unlike FGC “Leader” company Sezar Group, building in the same Khoroshevsky district of the residential complex “Dynasty”, did not rely on the availability of housing. In this project 2273 apartments ranging from 37 to 103 square meters. Planning decisions original and unconventional, while 30% of the area proposed for unification.

    Prices in the “Dynasty” is quite high for this location. Apartments in the first phase, the construction of which is nearing completion, are sold for 250 to 275 thousand rubles per square meter. In the second stage housing is sold at the price from 200 thousand rubles per square meter. Nevertheless, the project enjoys strong demand from buyers: first sold to 90%, the second 60%.

    Read more about “Dynasty”

    The residential complex attracts buyers because it has almost all the advantages of premium project. But here the developer is like a sculptor, cut off the extra to get the “classic business class”. For example, the company did not attract big-name architects, and did a project of their own design Institute. But indoor courtyard, decorated facades and custom layout allows this apartment complex to compete with premium projects, where prices are 1.5 times higher.

    LCD “Mayakovsky” – a housewarming without expectations

    This is another project in the Northern district of the capital, for which customers have voted with their pocketbooks. From 1091 the apartments of the residential complex developer, the company Tekta Group, has already implemented 726.
    New building located much further from the center than “Richard” and “Dynasty”, at the metro station “Water stadium”, but just 1 km from the shore of the Khimki reservoir. The project consists of three buildings with a height of 36 floors. Construction began in January 2016, and completion is scheduled for the end of the year.

    Read more about the project “Mayakovsky”

    According to the “best-Novostroy”, in the 3rd quarter of 2018 LCD Mayakovsky was one of the most popular among buyers of new buildings business class. CEO Tekta Group Roman Sychev believes that the main advantage of this project is the competitive price level. At the start apartments cost of 5.5 million rubles. Today the lowest bracket is around 7.9 million For the money for sale one-bedroom apartment with an area of 40.8 square meters. The average house in the residential complex “Mayakovsky” will cost 186,2 thousand rubles per square meter.

    Of course, these low prices can only be described by reference to the stage of construction. After all, next year buyers of apartments in the LCD “Mayakovsky” will be able to celebrate housewarming. However, 67% of housing in the project have already been sold.


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