Over the last decade in a country suburban towns business class due to losses closed most of the restaurants and fitness clubs. According to experts, before the onset of the global economic crisis in 2008, the developers tried to give their projects a competitive advantage through creation of developed infrastructure. In addition to playgrounds and sports grounds they built equipped areas, as well as such institutions as the restaurant, shop, beauty salon, and much more. However, the deterioration of the economic situation brought about changes: developers are unable to continue to build and maintain a many of useful and entertaining objects.
According to the head of the office “Novoslobodskaya” Department of suburban real estate “INKOM-real Estate” Alexey Senchuk, at the stage of active sales, developers often own forces were supported in the towns restaurants as they increased demand. However, after the termination of the cash inflows of the restaurants were closed in less than a year. In times of crisis developed infrastructure of the village, including Wellness and entertainment venues, can function only under condition of high attendance, which is a rarity.
Another traditional practice on the cottage market lies in the construction by developers of office buildings, such as schools and kindergartens, after which they select the professional operators. However, even this process for many of them was time consuming and not always lead to the expected effect, says the head of sales Department of country real estate Penny Lane Realty Maria Sakovtseva. In the end, a gated village with infrastructure in the suburbs has become more rare of suburban life.
Infrastructure sharing
That though as-that to ensure the profitability of their projects, even private and elite settlements are allowed to use their infrastructure to all comers, but at a price sometimes higher than the market, says the head of the project “Istra valley” Michael Africanow. Here the crucial role plays the issue of positioning is what is hidden from many eyes, always attracts more than something that is easily available. In the “Istra valley”, which unites more than two dozen villages from the Istra reservoir, suburban life is beyond the scope of not only its own site, but even the village itself. Any resident of any one of them can use all of its combined infrastructure.
“In the villages of Villagio Estate has a unified network infrastructure: residents are free to enjoy all educational and recreational facilities, and recreational areas located in the territory of any of the company’s projects, confirms the Director of development, development company Konstantin Romanov. And this: 3 3 built and designed restaurant, several kindergartens, language, and family clubs, household services and shops, sports centers and playgrounds. These facilities accept residents of cottages and townhouses, Villagio Estate, and guests, however for “their” may be subject to special conditions”.
From single objects to large-scale centers
And yet, according to the CEO VescoGroup Alexei Averyanov, to have sufficient traffic to achieve profitability single institutions prevents low population density in low-rise blocks. So some developers are building entire shopping malls. For example, not far from his village “knyazhye Lake” GK Sapsan was built the shopping center “Prince Court”, says Deputy commercial Director of development of the group Nikita Bobarykin. It has three levels, which houses more than 30 multi-brand shops and exclusive boutiques, as well as a restaurant, supermarket, fitness centre, beauty salon, pharmacy and a medical centre, and much more.
Among other positive examples Maria Sakovtseva leading shopping and entertainment complex “Pavlovo Podvorie”. It is noteworthy that it was originally built for residents of the settlement “Pavlovo 1”. Then was built the towns “Pavlovo-2” and “3 Paul”. The inhabitants of “Pavlovo 1” has its own exit to the complex, but in General it is available to everyone. Thus, the project was justified economically and the inhabitants of the villages, of course, provided with everything necessary. To date, “Pavlovo Podvorie” is one of the most developed and attractive infrastructure centers on Novorizhskoe highway.
But there are exceptions
But in spite of that, some developers actively develop the internal infrastructure even in projects that are very close to Moscow. So, for example, is the cottage settlement “New Landmarks” in 2 km from MKAD on altufevsky highway, separated from the highway by a wide forest belt. “In fact, near the ring road, and in the Lianozovo district has a rich infrastructure: shopping malls, cinemas, restaurants, schools, lists sales Director “New Veshki” Julia Shubina. – Nevertheless, our concept was originally built on the creation of its own infrastructure in the cottage: there are two restaurants the author’s and Italian cuisine, an international school with a primary Department, a small shopping center. Nearby is a fitness center and an equestrian club.”
According to experts, the concept of “New Landmarks” was originally formulated as a “luxury European suburbs”, which is unthinkable without its own infrastructure. But it should be noted that the village is conceptually distinct from traditional Russian projects of the business class.
Islands private initiative
Before the crisis, some owners of houses in the villages of business-class and above were themselves as operators or tenants of leisure and restaurant projects. And although since then the situation has changed, the management of “Istra valley”, for its part, is taking steps to ensure that such a practice was continued in the framework of the project. “For example, a customer purchases a plot of land for the construction of his country house and another plot under the opening of the Burger, the fitness club or beauty salon, says Mikhail Africanow. Thus, he has the opportunity to develop business and infrastructure value village for residents increases. In the end, everyone wins the entrepreneur, and developer. We have a land Fund, formed for business activities of land owners”.
In “New landmarks” such practices also exist: as a result of entrainment of the owners of one of the cottages painting here recently opened art gallery.
Not a single infrastructure
Overall, since 2008 the internal infrastructure of a new settlement became dubious selection criteria, said Alexei Averyanov. The main reason is the timing of construction. The fact that the really massive and significant objects are built to last. Thus, the buyer gets only the promise of building schools, kindergarten, sports centre or Park, and not ready facilities. But to date, people have realized that mere promises cannot be trusted. How reliable was the Builder, its status and plans can change in one minute. According to Konstantin Romanov, infrastructure, mostly built when the village is inhabited by at least 50%, and even more. This is because for the developer they are not profitable, and their return depends on tenants. In addition, these objects are not as extensive as in apartment complexes. Therefore, the cost of housing in country towns slightly dependent on infrastructure.
Thus, today, the buyer in the first place, chooses not infrastructure, and location, says Averyanov. And we are not talking about land value, and the convenience of the residence. For example, if at least one family member will have daily trips to the capital, this the thirtieth kilometer from the Moscow ring road will not even be considered.
If we talk about the luxury segment, for real estate high level, the question of location is fundamental and determines the actual class of the object, says Director of sales of cottage village “Birches” Eugene Ivanov. Location closer to Moscow has always been considered a luxury market, including on Rublevo-Uspensky highway, more prestigious and therefore expensive. However, the expert adds that to this rule there were exceptions in the form of projects in a more remote part of the ruble with its own infrastructure. And an example of the cottage village “Birches” illustrates the evolution of such projects in the luxury market. Due to the current highway Northern bypass Odintsovo, often links to the ring road from the villages of 15-17 km less than of the villages “near” the ruble where real estate is more expensive. Moreover, this year will begin construction of the continuation of this highway in the Northern alternate route to Kutuzovsky Prospekt.
However, it should be noted that the criterion of proximity is a very relative: the village is located 17 km from MKAD, which is not so great a distance.
Other important criteria are the readiness of the project and its reliability. The company estimates VescoGroup, more than 80% of transactions in the segment of business class are made in several completely undeveloped villages with developed infrastructure that can be counted on the fingers of one hand. And these few projects are treated as primary and secondary segments. And here buyers are willing to pay, because they see the result and try to get into a certain social circle.
A look into the future
According to Maria Sakovtseva, in the future the concept of the project will be determined by the richness of the location of external infrastructure: “Nobody will make a fuss there where it already is. But the village in the forest, designed for permanent residents who will not be able to provide them with comfortable accommodation, has the right to life and demand to use will not.” The issue of infrastructure is shifted to another plane: frequently visited infrastructural facilities should be not only inside the village, many in walking distance from it, agrees Konstantin Romanov. It is more profitable and developers, and residents for whom the main thing to keep quiet, neighborly atmosphere. In turn, Nikita Bobarykin predicts, that the declining trend in infrastructure in the new townships will continue in the next few years. However, further in the race to reduce the cost of the project, wins the one who will find a sensible balance between infrastructure and “chips” that increase sales among a small target group of buyers.
However, Yulia Shubina made some great point of view. In her opinion, the decline in domestic infrastructure in some projects as a result of poor concepts with a calculated economy. Such projects can survive in a growing market, but a crisis reveals their shortcomings and leads to reduce the ill-considered costs. If you create an internal infrastructure with knowledge of the matter, it will be in demand even now. Michael Africanow believes that the demand for infrastructure in country towns will be in the coming years, only grow, despite the crisis.
If you look at the overall picture, the trend of reducing internal infrastructure is really there. However, it affected not all country projects. If desired, a gated village with infrastructure to find quite really. The other question is whether in the future such places more or less. While it remains open, and the resolution of the situation depends largely on economic conditions.