Five main factors in choosing housing for the development of a successful child


Children are primarily influenced by the area in which they grow up, the school where they study, and their own room

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The space where they grow plays a significant role in the development of children. This is the environment, the nearest educational infrastructure and the children's room itself. Experts from the portal, using data from the Rodina group, decided to talk about what factors should be taken into account when choosing housing in order to raise a successful child in the future.

1. Safe area

Children's first acquaintances and games, and the acquisition of everyday knowledge take place precisely in the area where the house is located. Therefore, it is important for the family to choose a favorable living environment. The main thing here is safety. For example, you can select locations based on crime data. The more modest the statistics, the less likely you are to contact a bad company.

In Moscow, in January-October 2023, the fewest crimes per 10 thousand population occurred in three districts: Southern (61.9 cases per 10 thousand people), Troitsky and Novomoskovsky (62.9) and South-Western (67 ). At the same time, in the Central Administrative District, where people usually want to move, the most crimes occur per 10 thousand people – 177. It is also safer in places where there are police stations, a fire department, and hospitals nearby. But the proximity of large bus or railway stations, stations, industrial zones, on the contrary, is undesirable.

2. Creative architectural environment

The architectural environment can influence a child's emotional well-being. The surrounding space shapes taste, the ability to perceive beauty and creative skills. At the same time, street art in public places can inspire self-expression, exploration of artistic techniques, experimentation with materials and development of style.

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Developers are also concerned about creating creative places in residential complexes. Thus, the Russian Design District was built in New Moscow. The buildings are located along Designer Boulevard (pictured below) – actually an open-air museum with statues and art objects of modern Russian sculptors and artists.

3. Green areas nearby

The house should not only have a landscaped yard, but also green areas, squares and parks nearby. Spending time in nature reduces ADHD symptoms in children, reduces stress and improves mood. Spending time in parks can improve academic performance because it improves cognitive function and attention. Imaginative play encourages creativity and problem-solving skills, as well as physical activity, helping prevent childhood obesity.

4. The best schools

The next priority is education. Traditionally, parents strive to find an apartment closer to prestigious and old schools in the center of the capital, famous for their high quality of education. But some still prefer schools recently built in new areas. They have many advantages: thoughtful architecture, layouts and modern equipment. The school infrastructure is developing most actively in New Moscow. According to the capital's mayor Sergei Sobyanin, since the beginning of 2023, 10 schools and 14 kindergartens have been built in the Troitsky and Novosibirsk Autonomous Okrug.

Among them is school No. 1392 named after Ryabinkin in Vatutinki. The educational institution has created transformable rooms: an assembly hall where a podium with chairs can be pulled out, a combined music/physical education room and classrooms for first grades, equipped with sliding partitions for turning into extended-day playrooms. There are also partitions in foreign language classrooms, which allows them to be combined into larger areas to increase groups. Also, some families prefer private schools near their new home. Here you can gain additional skills that are not provided for in the state educational program.

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5. Children's

It is equally important to properly organize the room – the child’s first personal space in his life. The area of ​​the children's room should allow for the creation of working, play and sleeping areas. Rooms with a regular shape and at least two windows are best suited. High ceilings are also important. Kids like to climb and overcome heights, and for older children you can install a wall bars and make a sports corner.

It is necessary to allocate enough space for cabinets or organize a dressing room. Putting things in order, collecting and storing toys, and distributing personal belongings are important for developing the ability to plan, prioritize activities, and develop cognitive skills. And having your own bathroom in a child’s room increases independence in matters of hygiene and creates a culture of privacy – the ability to build your own and respect other people’s personal space.

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