Where to install air conditioning in the apartment, in the bedroom, how to hide air conditioner outside the curtain over the window


To learn installation of air conditioning — a thankless task: it is clear that you are unlikely to install the air conditioner with his own hands — rather, invite experts who will install all the rules.

The purpose of this article is to help you to find a place for the indoor unit. So its determined by you consciously. Instead of the wizard on the principle: “to me it’s faster and easier to complete the installation”.


Where to install the air conditioner in the apartment
The search space for the indoor unit is determined by three factors — proximity of Windows, the arrangement of furniture in the room and the current stage of your repair.

1. The finished repair — the options are few
If you only think about the overhaul plan and the interior design, it is wise to stay on the Central air-conditioning system. Then nothing can spoil the interior will not: block not visible, only the grid in the upper part of the wall as in the photo. But the price of such solutions, of course, incomparably above the usual split system.

If the repair was recently completed and finish you of “spoiling” is not planned, the only option is to look for the place the indoor unit of the air conditioner in the apartment. And talk about this

Comrade conditioning: Not cool, just warm up

Dina Salakhova

2. The window can be neglected
Usually the air conditioner is mounted near the window, not on the inner walls — I don’t want to pull the outlet pipe across the room. This is understandable as only the master will show you the ugly plastic box that they are going to cover “alignment” and announced a price for the meter (farther from the window, the more expensive) you are likely to agree to “as close to the window.” This is the first mistake of the Amateur repair. Do as it will be convenient to use the conditioner, but not as masters the.

Design Studio “Gradiz”

Here all as unplanned in advance outlets — you don’t want to spoil a good repair will be an open transaction and overhead. Ready to “dissolve the dirt” — you can hide tracks in the wall, as any electrician. And not to be attached to the window.

Conclusion: pre-plan the installation location of the air conditioning and the fact of its installation. It is important to do during or even before the repair, not the end of it. When you have to choose either/or — finish, or the beauty of the placement of the air conditioner. Although, even an open transaction to the conditioning is to create a design concept (example in photo).

Irina Vinogradova

3. Neglect — not
The unit must be mounted so that the flow of cold air was not directed into the heads and backs of people — that is strictly to the workplace, bed or in the back sitting at the table to direct the flow of prohibited. Otherwise, you can expect frequent colds. Please note, the photo air is located above the entrance to the bedroom — this is possible only in a situation when the position of the unit planned in advance before the repair.

Conclusion: the best place where people do not blows to the head and spine. And the air thus cools the high areas, not caught my eye. Designers often choose a place over the door or Orient the air towards the door.

Nataly Komova

Photo: an example of the air conditioner above the door — the track displayed in the partition between the kitchen-dining room and bedroom. This allowed the designer to place both units to efficiently cool spaces and people while not “blown away”. Please note, air conditioning painted to match the wall. Below is the plan of the apartment with photos

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Nataly Komova

Ann Design Studio

Where better to hang the air conditioner in the bedroom?
Solution for small bedrooms can be such a placement of the air conditioner when the flow passes along the foot of the bed.

If you really have no place to turn, choose a model with multi-directional air flow. This arrangement of the air conditioner in the bedroom is good because when you are working or resting, the bottom flap can be closed and air flow to steer left or right.

Important: the air conditioning in the bedroom should be located so that the main flow of air passes next to the bed, not getting to the rest of the people there. The option may be nonstandard, as in the example in the photo — units integrated in the suspended ceiling in the manner of a Central air conditioning system.

Dikushin Irada

1. Over the door
The option of the air conditioner above the door in the bedroom is one of the most common and recommended by interior designers. It is better to let blows to the legs than in the head sleeping.

Design Studio “Gradiz”

2. Next to the door
In a situation like the photo, when the door is enlarged and the wall above it for mounting the unit remains — you can place the unit on a nearby wall. But again, so that the muzzle on the legs.

Kerimov Architects

2. In front of the door
In a situation when the configuration and size of the bedrooms allow the conditioning placed on the wall opposite the entrance. Again, given that the air flow was parallel to the bed, without affecting lying on it.

Maria Solovyov-Sosnovik

Photo: another example of conditioning aimed “at the door”. To the wall with the window is more than a meter. This design decision not only protect the sleepers from the cold jet, but also provided comfort to someone who is sitting at the table.


In fact, beautiful to hang or to hide air conditioning is not a big deal. Let’s see how the conditioning on selected photo and choose from their example, you’ll find a way where to install the air conditioner in his apartment.

Where and how to hide air conditioning in the interior
Most importantly, in the pursuit of a stylish atmosphere not to interfere with the device to work. Roughly speaking, hang the unit and cover it with a curtain is not an option.

It is clear that the owners of small flats are very difficult to find a place in the room to circulate the air — the area is small, the furniture is pretty tight and where the flow is not direct, will necessarily be situations in which blows to the head. Here, unfortunately, miracles will not be — if you cannot find a “hidden place” is not in sight, we must try to make myself unobtrusive air conditioning. The mass of options.

Loginova Natalia / designer, decorator.

1. Among the furniture
The main difficulty in finding the perfect locations for the unit on the wall is that it is impossible to install the air conditioner behind the panel or screen: any obstacle in the path of air negates the benefits of the device.

Ideal from the aesthetic point of view option — to hide air conditioning unit amongst other structures of similar shapes, for example, paintings and shelves, as in this photo.

Narofsky Architecture + ways2design

On the photo: air conditioner installed on one of the shelves, looks part of the interior

Clifton Leung Design Workshop – CLDW.com.hk

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2. Above the window (against the light)
If the height of the walls allows, fasten the air conditioner above the window. Such solutions have two advantages: first, the proximity of the internal and external air conditioning units simplify installation; secondly, the window is always visually dominant on the wall, so that the conditioning will get a minimum of attention.

Tip: to set the air conditioner above the window is possible, but only if the device is closed the curtains


3. On TV
Psychologically this installation the air conditioner works in the same way as the Council “above the window” — look at the TV, not on the block. However, this technique works in the situation when the block is white and the wall is not acting as contrast against the conditioning. Search for black!

Living Easy

In the photo: a variation of the same decision “to hide distracting” is the unit placed over the TV screen and fireplace

Workshop interiors Barbara Zelenetskii

The wall
In the living room in this photo, the air conditioner mounted in the wall between two high Windows. It is difficult to imagine a better solution where to install the air conditioner on the width it seems to be specially designed for this interior. “Distraction” were long black curtains to the floor: they successfully take away a look from the air conditioner unit on the wall.

Shipkov Olga

To take an unusual model
Another option is to select indoor unit of the unusual form (in the photo is a white circle in the square in the upper left corner).

Oksana Oleynik

To get to the color
Deciding how to hide in the interior air, try to make it less noticeable: for example, place it next to items of the same color (in most cases it will be white).

In the interior (photo above) living room with blue wall and white and yellow shelf air conditioning duplicates the top horizontal construction and it seems a continuation of complex geometry.


Photo: this blue and white bedroom air conditioner decided to hang up on a high shelf, sections of which are almost the same shape of the device.

SVOYA studio

Repaint air
It is difficult to find and install in the apartment air conditioning sophisticated hue, sure to match the walls. But can be repainted. How? — We are told in detail in the article on the link below.

Good question: How to paint plastic Windows

First Lamp

To build a niche
Going to align the ceiling with wood design? Navigate the ventilation system and is still planning to “build housing”? Use any design features of your room to the conditioning set in a niche. After less than a block behind the wall, the less noticeable: if the depth allows, the device can “drown” in the niche almost entirely.

Spruce Interior Design

To make the screen — at your own risk
It is permissible to conclude an instrument for the grating in the manner of the one which closes the radiator under the window. However, it’s important to do it right, because such a scenario is that those who are rarely included air-conditioning: frequent operation, there is a risk to ruin the device and the screen. In the process, inevitably will form condensation which will eventually lead to mold.

Zlata / Ira Sazonova

Tip: Leave the decorative casing of the air conditioner open at the bottom — this will avoid condensation

Do you know where to install the air conditioner in the bedroom, living room or kitchen to make it as comfortable as possible? Tell us how to hide the air conditioning in the interior photo post in the comments section under the article!


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