Top 3 Moscow districts where the most expensive housing is sold


The Golden Mile created by developers, the Tverskoy district adjacent to the Kremlin, and Yakimanka close to the historical center

Despite the decline in demand for housing in Moscow, caused by the abolition of mass preferential mortgages, apartment prices continue to rise. Especially in the elite segment, which has traditionally been weakly affected by affordable lending. According to NF Group, by the end of the first half of 2024, the average cost per square meter of new elite-class buildings in the capital reached 1.6 million rubles, increasing by 7% over the year. But in some areas, a square meter costs much more. Experts from the portal decided to compile a rating of the most expensive locations in the capital based on the average price per square meter of primary elite housing. We will also tell you how these areas have earned their privileged position.

New elite Ostozhenka – 3.2 million rubles

The leader of the rating was not even a district, but a separate location of part of Khamovniki – Ostozhenka, also known as the “Golden Mile”. In addition to Ostozhenka Street itself, it includes the area up to Prechistenskaya Embankment. Of all three districts included in the rating, this one is located the farthest from the Kremlin, the proximity to which is usually used to determine the prestige of housing in Moscow. From the Cathedral of Christ the Savior to the walls of the fortress along the embankment – Prechistenskaya, which turns into the Kremlin – almost 800 meters.

The status is largely artificial. Ostozhenka is one of the oldest streets in the city, but very few historical buildings have survived. In the 1930s, the street was dug up to make way for an open-pit metro line. And in the late 1990s, developers decided to “gild” the location, began building luxury homes here and launched an entire advertising campaign, which was most active in the first decade of the 2000s. It was then that Ostozhenka began to be considered prestigious, and it became the most expensive district in Moscow.

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Today, the “Golden Mile” has, so to speak, faded. Its prestige is no longer at its peak, and people have become disillusioned with the location. However, prices continue to remain high, and even the highest in Moscow, and housing is truly “golden.” The average price per square meter on Ostozhenka reaches 3.2 million rubles. For example, for a conditional 100 million rubles, you can count on buying an apartment of only 32 square meters. Moreover, almost a third – 31 apartments – of the hundred most expensive apartments on the capital market are sold on Ostozhenka, as calculated by the company “Intermark City Real Estate”.

Historically central Tverskoy district – 2.6 million rubles

The second place was taken by the Tverskoy District, which is called the heart of the capital. It is adjacent to the Kremlin and has always been considered the historical center of the city, one of the oldest and richest cultural places in the capital. The district was named after Tverskaya Street, the main street of the city since the 18th century. The best houses were built here, fashionable hotels and shops were opened. It was along Tverskaya that the tsars entered the Kremlin when they arrived in Moscow from St. Petersburg. In the 1930s, Tverskaya was expanded, some houses were demolished, and several of the most valuable ones were moved. Today, this is the capital's main shopping street, where the most expensive boutiques of world brands are concentrated.

In the Tverskoy district, the average price per square meter is 0.6 million lower than on Ostozhenka, and is 2.6 million rubles. Therefore, here hundreds of millions of rubles will be enough for a more spacious apartment than on the “Golden Mile” – 39 “squares”. The Tverskoy district is also inferior in the number of apartments from the top 100 most expensive. Here they are offered 26.

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Yakimanka opposite the Kremlin – 2.5 million rubles

The top three is closed by Yakimanka, which occupies part of the “Golden Island” – Balchug. The latter is located opposite the Kremlin and is separated from it only by the Moscow River. This area, like Tverskoy, is named after its main street Yakimanka, which is now called Bolshaya Yakimanka. The location was radically rebuilt during the Soviet years, but many historical buildings were preserved. The centers of urban and tourist activity are also concentrated here, for example, the famous Tretyakov Gallery.

The location is only slightly behind the Tverskoy district in terms of prices. In the Yakimanka district, a square meter costs an average of 2.4 million rubles. A conditional 100 million rubles here will be enough for housing with an area of ​​one square meter more – 40 square meters. Yakimanka can also “boast” 12 apartments out of the hundred most expensive ones put up for sale in the city.

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