I think we found the cause of all problems in the choice of kitchen Wallpaper. Apparently the owners expect to see them forever. Otherwise, why the quality of Wallpaper for the kitchen make such supernatural claims?
We counted 11 beliefs about the kitchen Wallpaper, which it’s time to reconsider
1. The Wallpaper in the kitchen needs to be functional [Yes, but how do you understand this]
The idea that the Wallpaper for the kitchen should be some special marketing ploy. If you wish, you will find online a lot of articles about “how to choose the right Wallpaper for kitchen”. And certainly describing the terrible consequences of the reckless choice “just Wallpaper”. Oh, how terrible to live.
Irina Shevchenko
As a matter of fact:
In fact, choosing a decorative finish for the walls in the first place care about the beauty. Do not complicate your life.
Beautiful Wallpaper — no cutting Board, no sink and no oven. They have no other function than to beautify your kitchen.
Rebel Walls
2. The kitchen Wallpaper should be washable [not usually]
Answer honestly to the question: how regularly do you wash the walls in the kitchen? It’s not a shower drops dripping condensate. Even if you have something from time to time wipe with a damp cloth, do not call it a “wash” of the walls and require Wallpapers of high humidity.
Yana Svetlova Wallcoverings
With the exception of sections of the walls above the work surface where fly spray. They do have to wash, including aggressive chemicals. And that’s the reason this section of the wall traditionally make protective apron — with special tiles or panels, with which you can easily remove the dirt (example in photo).
As a matter of fact:
The walls of the kitchen dirty is not stronger than in any other room. Washable Wallpaper will not be superfluous, if the family has small children who love to scatter food all over the kitchen.
However, then it is worth all washable.
In Residence – Kitchen, Bathroom, Hardware
3. The best choice is oilcloth [sure!]
The most complicated case in the prevention of cleanliness in the kitchen — a legacy of Soviet times. View photos of modern kitchen interiors and try to find one where the wall is pasted oilcloth or adhesive tape (even PVC panels).
Like really: roll oilcloth material for tablecloths cutting the landside eateries. It is not suitable for the walls in the kitchen.
4. In the kitchen you cannot use paper Wallpaper [can]
Of course, because they don’t bathe! In addition, the paper wall will inevitably absorb the odors and dirt (so say the apologists of the order).
Fotograf Lisbet Spörndly
As actually: Believe me, the Wallpaper in the living room the couch is often far more messy and frayed than at the entrance to the kitchen wall. But no one rushes to clean them. Usually after 5 years, simply glue the Wallpaper or repaint the wall.
Ability Wallpaper, absorb odors also greatly exaggerated. As a rule, they do not smell anything.
Thomson & Cooke Architects pllc
5. In the kitchen you need to avoid textured Wallpaper
The reason is the same — they are awkward to wash, and the ubiquitous kitchen dirt (and soot!) will inevitably climb into small protrusions of the textured Wallpaper (and you’ll never be able to wash them, ever!)
Leave reflections, where the modern kitchen is taken soot by going directly to the purity. On the textured Wallpaper really can accumulate dust. If you are disturbed by this circumstance, just from time to time vacuum walls. Washing them is not necessary.
6. Natural materials are worse than faux
You probably guessed why.
As a matter of fact: Even if we assume that some natural materials will absorb the odors of the kitchen — what’s so terrible? Your kitchen always smells of your kitchen. Or are you afraid that bamboo Wallpaper will always remember the smell of failed cakes and will give you? What a shame!
Summer Thornton Design, Inc
7. You cannot use a subtle Wallpaper
Because they quickly deteriorate. Why? Because they will have to be washed frequently!
Like really: If these Wallpapers don’t fall in the cooking area and they do not fly random drop hissing oil from the pan, don’t worry. The Wallpaper in the kitchen (very spacious) is not experiencing high loads, so their subtle psychic organization is not affected.
8. Fear large print
Many stereotypes have developed regarding the design of the Wallpaper. It is believed that a large, bold pattern is unacceptable in a compact room, as visually reduces. Best for small kitchen size to choose Wallpaper with a small dim figure, and even at all without it.
Chronicle Books
As a matter of fact: This is true, but only partly. If the Wallpaper paste over with large bold print for all of this, of course, will increase the pressure of the walls, but if only one accent wall — not at all. On the contrary, this will create an interesting visual landmark and the interior will add dynamics and depth.
Choose the wall opposite the entrance and don’t be afraid of bright colors, just dose them correctly. Among the possible options we can consider Wallpaper.
Venegas and Company
9. Dark Wallpaper “eat” kitchen
How to choose Wallpaper for the kitchen color? Popular statement, in a small room you can’t decorate the walls with dark colors. Again, it is believed that these colors make the space visually smaller. Is not so clear.
As a matter of fact: Dark colors do absorb light (you will have to screw the light bulb brighter). But at the same time adding the room depth and solemnity. So, a black room will look limitless and mysterious.
Even in the smallest kitchen you can use the Wallpaper rich, dark colors, if correctly to place them.
systematica by lee
10. You can’t use the Wallpaper on the apron
No protection — indeed, it is not necessary (it’s weird). But this is true for any material for the apron: for example, a tile with conventional cement grout is not laid on the apron (will quickly mold in the seams).
As a matter of fact: In fact, even kitchen apron — the place is really polluted, you can make… Wallpaper, can you imagine?! Absolutely normal (just cover them with glass). In the photo the interior of a rented apartment: normally in the repair of these interiors choose the most “indestructible” materials.
Mon Plan d Appart
The apron can be “symbolic”, tiny — from an easy care material. And it does not prevent to decorate the wall behind the Wallpaper. Absolutely do not have to withdraw it under the ceiling tile.
- How to Choose the size of kitchen apron
- More fashionable: Kitchen apron, as we know it
Jordi Folch
On the Houzz photo section downloaded more than 19 million frames of footage from completed projects. Here’s what we found for you on the tag of “kitchen Wallpaper”:
► The Wallpaper in the kitchen
► Wallpaper for white kitchen
► Wallpaper for grey kitchen
► Wallpaper beige kitchen
► Wallpaper for green kitchen
► Wallpaper brown kitchen
► Wallpaper for black kitchen
11. Only Russian think of the Wallpaper in the kitchen gluing
Foreigners over your kitchen just painted, tile on the apron doing nothing Wallpaper.
As a matter of fact: this article is only 3 the Russian project of the 18. We did this on purpose to show the Wallpaper in the kitchen is not a solely “Russian bar”. A fairly common international phenomenon.
But to choose the “most indestructible” materials possible — perhaps, indeed, a Russian national trait. Where you can stay at 32-grade laminate will take 34 minutes, high resistance to abrasion. Where you can buy an ordinary paint — buy washable (let it be, and it is about the ceiling). Where a simple Wallpaper for the guarantee affordable option collection special, for the bathroom. Why? — Question for a completely different article.
This archival material. First published in 2016, and updated in 2019.
We understand why marketers special Wallpaper for the kitchen. Question: what are they for? Share in the comments!