Football madness of the suburban real estate market


    Mom, we are sick football

    At the moment, as reported by the Director-General of the organizing Committee “Russia-2018” Alexey Sorokin, FIFA sold 2,374 million tickets to the matches of the world Cup starting in the summer is 89% of all, on sale. If the fans allow other people involved in the championship (sportmeny, official delegations, staff, officials, and so on), the final figure will be impressive.

    Naturally, all guests are required to place, but here and there big headache that no matter what plans did not build, their originally conceived form has not been carried out. Some hotels are not built, others have been classified, and still others did not have time to expand or upgrade. The result is the number of rooms was reduced, and, as experts say, it is not enough to cover the existing demand. In addition, hotel chains are hype, significantly raising prices for their services, and although the fight against such high-handedness is unlikely to be able to bring it to a victorious end. Do not forget that long before the start of the competition most of the rooms were booked and to find unoccupied seemed (and seems) a miracle.

    The rescue of drowning — the handiwork of drowning, so fans in search of accommodation for the period of the world Cup pay attention not only on the options with hotels, hostels and other facilities for collective accommodation, but consider other scenarios. For example, campgrounds or campsites. Of course, the giant showing interest towards renting apartments than owners shamelessly use, exposing the daily rates of a few hundred thousand rubles, and even with this predatory price finding clients.

    “Fence” is also not left without attention of football fans, and the demand for rental of similar property has increased significantly.

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    Business zastolnye

    According to research company “Inkom” in the segment of recruitment of country objects the Moscow region recorded growth of potential demand by 20% compared to the same period last year. It is noted that already in February began to receive requests for the rental of cottages and villas not only for the summer season in General, but also for a specific period from 14 June to 15 July, i.e. during the world Cup.

    The main demand is formed by representatives remote from the capital regions: Siberia, the far East, the Urals. There are tenants from other countries — our compatriots living on a permanent basis abroad, but decided for the sake of the home of the world Cup to return to Russia

    The increased popularity of houses near forests and rivers. Important requirements for rented housing: possibility to reach the city by public transport in a dedicated lane, as well as grocery stores within walking distance. Preferably, the presence of saunas, gazebos and an equipped barbecue glades on the site.

    If you compare with last year’s figures, the cost of hiring villas increased by 74% (from 23 thousand to 40 thousand rubles), cottages by 35% (from 72 thousand to 97 thousand rubles). This could be correlated with the expectations of the fans, which, in search of resettlement are guided by the fork rents from 70 to 100 thousand rubles per month.

    “Currently there are all prerequisites to ensure that in the summer in the segment of countryside rent the realized demand will grow by 25% compared to the same period last year”, — predicts Oksana Polyakova, Deputy Director of the Department of rental apartments “Inkom-real Estate”.

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    The Grand final

    If we compare the situation in the country market with last year’s figures, this spring, the cost of hiring villas increased by 74% (from 23 thousand to 40 thousand rubles), cottages by 35% (from 72 thousand to 97 thousand rubles). This could be correlated with the expectations of the fans, which, in search of resettlement are guided by the fork rents from 70 to 100 thousand rubles per month.

    “Currently there are all prerequisites to ensure that in the summer in the segment of countryside rent the realized demand will grow by 25% compared to the same period last year”, — predicts Oksana Polyakova, Deputy Director of the Department of rental apartments “Inkom-real Estate”.

    The trend in the increase in demand for suburban housing is short-term. After the tournament, once all the guests leave, the market almost immediately return to their former rates, making the forecast of the head of the secondary real estate Agency “big realty” Olga Solodovnikova. Moreover, emphasizes the expert, the fall in prices will not be smooth and sharp, to several tens of percent.

    However, some of the fans may a bit late in welcoming “zastolie” people vdohnovitsya local beauty; fans of the team that will win the world Cup and decided that the event should celebrate a little more than originally planned; and just rich people who can afford a week or two to relax away from the big cities and the routine of everyday life. And let it be a joke, but every joke, as we know, has its own truth.


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